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Misery is definitely a problematic kid. They have pretty bad anger management issues and they always get in fist fights. Misery doesn't really care for gender and doesn't really even get the whole consept. They are good friends with Rajni mostly because they're both the scheming type. Although Misery can be a struggle to handle they are still really compassionate towards animals so they do have a soft spot.
To be completely honest I absolutely hate how Miserys painting turned out. The face looks quite awful and I struggled a lot with the angle. I also messed up the fist when I tried to paint it so I covered it up and now their head is way at the edge of the paper. I tried covering up their hand with kitchen paper that I just scrunched up and glued on. I thought the paper somehow fit Miserys personality well so I also added kitchen paper everywhere else and then painted over the paper too. I also really hate the bangs but I was running out of time so I just came to terms with the fact that this just wasn't going to be my best painting.

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